Special Projects

Automotive Sector Competence Council (including electromobility)


The Katowice Special Economic Zone Co., the SA&AM Cluster coordinator, is involved, in partnership with the Polish Chamber of the Automotive Industry and the Association of Automotive Employers and Industrial Articles, in a project called Automotive Sector Competence Council (including electromobility).

The aim of the project is to come up with solutions and align the education system to the needs of the automotive sector by engaging with business, educational and administration representatives, and by drawing from their experience, research results and feedback. The development of these solutions for the sector will be handled by the established Competence Council for the automotive sector (including electro-mobility). The activities of the Council will involve a group of stakeholders from all over the country.

The Automotive Sector Competence Council (including electromobility) is a nationwide platform for the exchange of experience between formal and non-formal education and business. In this way, businesses can influence providers of educational and development services related to both formal and non-formal education.

The Council will establish partnerships with labour market institutions, gaining access to reliable data on in-demand sector qualifications. The identification of the sector-specific needs, in terms of professional qualifications, will make job placement and professional advisory services more effective.

By meeting its core objective, the project will mitigate the problems identified as part of the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme (KED OP), directly supporting other project objectives, such as:

  1. organising the operations of the Automotive Sector Competence Council (including electromobility);
  2. obtaining information from businesses regarding in-demand professional qualifications;
  3. disseminating information regarding in-demand professional qualifications in the sector;
  4. initiating and developing cooperation in the field of integrating education/science with businesses (integration of education and employers);
  5. coming up with recommendations on aligning workforce qualifications to the existing needs of the sector.

In this project Katowice Special Economic Zone, the SA&AM Cluster’s coordinator, is responsible for:

  1. Obtaining information from businesses regarding in-demand professional qualifications;
    1. conducting ongoing sector research – monitoring the sector in terms of specific research areas indicated by the Council;
    2. drawing up the Research Report;
    3. sector consultations;
    4. producing an analysis of employers’ needs, including key competence;
    5. producing a publication within the Integrated Qualification System on How to train, how to examine?
  2. Initiating and developing cooperation in the field of integrating education/science with businesses, including:
    1. drawing up a model agreement on sector cooperation between businesses and educational institutions;
    2. developing a methodology and tools for monitoring professional qualification needs among teachers from first- and second-degree trade schools;
    3. developing an Educational Guide for Educational Employees and Institutions, and Employers (HR Departments), suggestions and recommendations for effective cooperation;
    4. organising methodology seminars for Council stakeholders devoted to procedures for adding qualifications to the Integrated Qualification System.

A contact person for the Automotive Sector Competence Council (including electromobility) project

Ms Monika Bezak

Labour Market Expert

phone: (+48) 504-292-316

e-mail: mbezak@ksse.com.pl



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